Why “Job-Hopping” Millennials are the Perfect Retail Hires

The millennial generation comprises the largest demographic in today’s workforce. As a result, most successful companies strive to understand and embrace millennials.

Yet, many employers are wary of hiring anyone that falls within this age group. Some fear that they lack a strong work ethic, while others feel that they are self-absorbed. While some of these fears are warranted, they only occur on an individual, case-by-case, basis. Even if more millennials exhibit these traits than previous generations, a vast number do not.

Although it can be easy to focus on the negatives, this generation comes equipped with a range of positive attributes. Further, some qualities that employers fear, may actually be a boon for companies that embrace them.

They are Incredibly Adaptive

Previous generations graduated school, chose a career, and then staying in that field until retirement. These individuals did not have to learn an entirely new occupation during the course of their careers. Conversely, millennials may take on a multitude of careers before they even reach the age of thirty. As a result, these individuals are used to adapting to the expectations and changes that come with new roles. That’s not to say that previous generations didn’t know how to adapt, but the ability to assume an entirely different position with ease is a great asset.

They Take Risks

Due to the fact that they frequently change jobs, millennials aren’t afraid to step outside of their comfort zones. Indeed, they are used to radical change; it doesn’t shake them up or throw them off their game. As a consequence, these individuals have a high workplace aptitude and learning speed. In addition, risk-takers are innovators. This generation is all too familiar with rapidly changing technology, major cultural shifts, and more. They are likely to understand that innovation involves being different and thinking outside of the box.

They Come with Outsider Knowledge

One of the benefits millennials accrue from “job-hopping,” is the knowledge that they glean from each employer. Indeed, this “insider information” provides a window into how other companies succeed and why they’ve failed. Also, they’ll come equipped with experience working until a multitude of leaders with a diverse range of managing styles. This kind of experience can benefit a company that is starting out, or revitalize a stagnant one.

If the employee worked in a similar field, they can contribute by offering insight into current trends. If they work for in a different field, they can offer a fresh perspective on how one industry can adopt practices that helped that industry succeed.