Quick and Straightforward

Get the full picture before the interview.
Trusting your gut can be risky. Prevue’s science-backed assessments paint an unbiased, clear picture of candidates at the application stage. Quick and straightforward, it’ll be easy to see who’s worth moving forward–and who might be better suited for another organization or industry.
Quick and Straightforward
Easy To Complete

Simple but powerful tests and reports.
Get access to tests and reports that were developed by scientists, but designed for the rest of us. Clear and easy to read, you won’t need training to interpret the results. Don’t worry about attrition: candidates find Prevue assessments just as easy to complete.
Custom interview questions will guide you through the hiring process, giving you more time to focus on recruitment and training.
Easy To Complete
Industry Interest

Expect to lower your turnover.
Prevue’s assessments help to reduce costly turnover by giving not-for-profits a better candidate overview.
With the Motivations & Interests Assessment, you can gauge if the candidate really is interested in your industry. A good job-fit candidate may perform well in a role, but unless they’re driven by your mission and values, they might not stick around. Make sure you know his or her motivations before the interview.