Under Your Nose: The Perfect Hire May Already Work for You

Hiring “new blood” is often exactly what a company needs to get ahead.  A new hire may bring positive changes to a stale workplace environment and provide a fresh outlook.  With that being said, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Talent within the office is often overlooked, and many internal candidates are ideal fits for available roles.

Most companies benefit from hiring both externally and internally, and knowing exactly what your current staff brings to the table will help determine where to look. One of the best ways of doing this is through the use of succession planning style reports that can be run with Prevue Assessments on your employees to see who might be ideal for an available position.

A psychometric test assesses the mental capabilities and behavioural style of each of your employees, and determines how well they would suit a role. It provides a deeper analysis of a candidate’s aptitude for a position than merely observing how he or she performs in the current role. The role may not provide the employee with the platform to shine, and the right job fit tools can assess any unknown abilities.

There are still times when it is better to hire externally, and a pre-employment screening helps save time when doing so; however, it is always worthwhile to screen your existing staff.

There are a number of reasons to hire from within, but three major arguments stand out.

Saves Time

It takes a great deal less time to train someone who already works for your company than it does to start training a fresh hire. While time is still needed to orient your staff with a new role, he or she already has a thorough understanding of your company’s vision and protocol. The transition will ultimately feel smoother with an internal hire, as you’ve already established a rapport.

Increases Productivity

Not only will your promoted staff work harder in a new role, but the rest of your team will feel more motivated as a result. Seeing peers get promoted creates hope for upward advancement, which in turn drives healthy competition. In addition, hiring from within ensures that your hire already fits with the team, and you are able to assess leadership capabilities beforehand.

Good For Morale

When hard work and talent are recognized through advancement it creates a positive workplace environment. Employees feel more appreciated, and therefore feel more loyalty to the employer. Hiring from within tends to reduce employee turnover, as staff see a brighter future staying with the company.