Evaluating Future Candidates: Emphasis on Creativity in the Post-COVID Era

Back when things were normal, we used to wake up every day wondering how the weather’s like or how busy traffic would be. Now in the midst of a pandemic where millions are stuck at home, all we really have on our to-do lists is to get out of bed and eat. As an introvert, staying at home was never an issue. But even for someone who doesn’t mind being surrounded by four walls all day, the type of activities one typically does indoors is reaching a limit itself. With this sudden increase in downtime, our brains have been challenged to not only adapt, but to create a new way of living through creative thinking and innovation.

Finding a New Space for Creativity

From painting, writing to coding your own game, many seem to have taken this time to discover new hobbies and experiment new things. Some have also found space to work on side projects that were previously put on hold. However, beyond the scopes of art, being creative can also be defined by the ability to adjust to changes, generate new ideas, and implement solutions in an original way.

For the purpose of staying afloat, the coronavirus outbreak has pushed leaders on all levels to adopt measures they had never once attempted. Working from home, for example – which many considered skeptical prior to the crisis – has now become the new normal to populations worldwide. Among other things, a variety of innovative tools has also been explored as a means to keep operations running per usual, essentially proving that innovation and success do go hand in hand.

Hiring for Creativity

When the time comes to rehire people, 94% of recruiting managers believe creativity is key when evaluating candidates for jobs. With the dramatic shifts going on, some might even say the pandemic is a test to our flexibility and originality. Hence, those with the ability to thrive in chaotic situations are considered strong assets to a company.

Seeing how great of an impact technology has on our remote work experience, this trend is expected to extend further towards hiring, onboarding, and coaching in the post-COVID era. The evaluation of intangible skills, like reactivity and spontaneity, has been made possible and easy thanks to the rise of online pre-hiring assessments. Subsequently, using these results to liven up your interview questions can strengthen both your employer brand and candidate experience as well.

Examples of Interview Questions on Creativity

  • Tell us about a time when you’ve turned a negative situation into a positive one.
  • Provide an example of where you used creativity to solve a problem.
  • Name one skill you’ve learned or a hobby you’ve picked up during quarantine.
  • If you could create your own ideal work scenario, what would it be?

To hire innovative people, you’ll need to be innovative yourself. New norms and behaviors will force many businesses to rethink their strategy on how to operate effectively. If you want your company to stand out from the rest, begin by broadening your own creativity.