Surfing the Internet Wave: How Memes and Humor Play a Role in Work Culture
People on the internet are obsessed with memes; you probably are too. They’re funny, witty, and most of all – they’re relatable AF. Memes have infiltrated our lives in many ways. You likely come across them on social media, in group chats, and even in universities where ‘meme studies’ is now a legitimate course students can take for their degree.
The adoption of humour isn’t traditionally considered a core asset of organizations, however. At least not until lately, as ‘meme marketing’ becomes the new hype for brands to gain competitive edge. But the use of funny images and relatable texts shouldn’t be restricted only to your marketing crew. The workplace as a whole needs laughter, which sometimes, comes in the form of a collective “this is fine ☕”.
More Than Just Entertainment
Memes are changing the way people communicate in this modern day. Instead of a blob of words that may seem boring and dull, images and videos have become the fun alternate medium to spread messages across. But memes are more than just entertainment alone; they’re also effective tools for boosting morale and corporate culture:
- In a study on Humour in the Workplace, 81% of employees believe a fun working environment would make them more productive, while 93% said laughing on the job helps reduce work-related stress.
- Memes forge a sense of belonging in employees due to their relatability.
- Being a ‘universal language’ that is easy-to-use and -understand, memes are great for employee bonding as they encourage different cultures and personality types to be involved in conversations and inside jokes.
- They add the fun and humour factor to a workplace, which is important to young job seekers nowadays who look at brand personality when applying to jobs.
- Humour also makes owners and managers more approachable to their employees, allowing a flatter hierarchical structure in the workplace.
Setting Boundaries
Of course, all of this must be done with extreme care. Like any form of humor, make sure to stay away from memes that others might perceive as racist, sexist, or discriminatory in any way. Remember, the purpose is to bring people together and to lift their spirit; not the other way around.
Anywho, here’s a meme.